Sunday, February 1, 2009

NRA News downloaded 2-1-09 8:49 pm PST
Blog Author: Wayne LaPierre
Obama's Animal Rights Appointment


The incoming Obama administration continues to signal that it's not going to "play nice" with gun owners, hunters and sportsmen. The latest cause for concern is the appointment of Cass Sunstein to be the new "Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs," or "regulation czar."

Sunstein has expressed support for an outright ban on hunting, telling students at Harvard University that hunting should be banned if its only purpose is for "sport or game." As "regulation czar," Sunstein may not have the authority to ban hunting, but he'll certainly be in a position to craft environmental regulations that could have profound impacts on hunters in this country.

Appointments like this mean every gun owner must be vigilant to threats to our Second Amendment freedoms, and joining the NRA means that you're signing up with 4 million other Americans to guard our liberty from those who would try to legislate or regulate it away.

Political Views- Gun Control

Who supports it? Who's against it?
Why do people support it? Why are people against it?

Let's start with question #1: Who supports gun control?
1) People who believe that... the wrong people can't get a hold of guns if there is a law controlling guns. OR The laws make it harder for the wrong people to get a hold of guns.
2) People who believe that... Guns are the culprit when it comes to crimes and death involving guns.
3) People who believe that... Guns are scary.
4) People who believe that... Owning a gun puts your family in jeopardy.
5) People who believe that... Guns kill children both accidentally and suicide.
6) People who believe that... Gun control will reduce violent crimes.
7) People who believe that... even good people shouldn't own guns because they do more harm than good.
8) People who fear cults and militias. Think there are too many kooks out there with guns.

** Some things became very obvious to me as I was doing research on this topic. I visited websites and blogs that are Pro-Gun Control so that I could see where the other side was coming from. On these websites and blogs, I saw a lot of inflammatory propaganda against guns. A lot of guns kill, the bad NRA, the lying gun lobbyists, and assault weapons being sold to gangsters. The website (Brady Campaign: they passed the Brady law when Clinton was in office)even went as far as to quote the NRA as saying that "Law enforcement needs to crack down harder with the current laws that we have and not make new laws." To me this statement is a No Brainer! Crack down on the 1/10th of a percent of gun owning Americans who are giving the rest of us a bad name.

** They also pointed out about 3 maybe 5 gun dealers in the whole USA that were crooked and selling assault rifles illegally. (I believe we should take these gun dealers out and hang'em high.) The Anti-Gun Activists NEVER showed any statistics that showed how many legal gun owners did illegal acts with guns. They did have ONE stat that showed how many people died from guns in 2004 when a gun law expired. That really isn't a stat because you have to show a trend over time to be a stat. They did not show a trend!

Reason #1: the wrong people can't get a hold of guns if there is a law controlling guns. OR The laws make it harder for the wrong people to get a hold of guns.
Debunk #1- The wrong people can get guns easier than I can right now. The current laws don't stop the bad guys. Why do they think a stupid law is going to stop them in the future?
Debunk #2- Extreme Christians and Catholics tried to abolish alcohol (Prohibition). It didn't work because too many people disagreed with the law. Also, people that actually supported Prohibition were against it very quickly. Something that can be made at home was hard to control as well as generally useless. What about something that people use for safety, hunting food, and sport? The gun is something the 2nd Amendment protects and extremist need to get off it!

Reason #2: Guns are the culprit when it comes to crimes and death involving guns.
Debunk #1- Guns are not the culprit. These dangerous people that used guns would have used knives, rocks, axes, cars, etc if they didn't have guns. What are ya gonna do? Take away my cooking knives, the rocks on a gravel road, mt ax that I chop wood with, or how about my car?!
Debunk #2- If you want to ATTACK anything for violence it should be the FCC (Cable and Public air ways are VERY violent) and Computer/ Video game makers. Talk about realistic blood, killing, theft, and out right evil behavior is being condoned.

Reason #3: Guns are scary.
Debunk #1- Grow up and get educated. Guns are safe when you are educated. Just avoid owning a gun. Avoid being around gun shows. Avoid being in public because a lot of sane people have concealed weapons permits and you don't know they are carrying a gun. Avoid going to 24 hour convenience stores late at night. Avoid dark alleys at night. Blah, Blah, Blah...

Reason #4: Owning a gun puts your family in jeopardy.
Debunk #1- My family is safe because our guns are kept in a locked safe. The gun safe has a few shells in the bottom in case of emergency use. The majority of ammo is kept locked and separate. My son is also educated about guns and gun safety.
A family in JEOPARDY is a family who avoids the gun subject, kids get curious, kids play video games where nobody stays dead, and then they want to reenact their video game. That's an unsafe family!!!

Reason #5: Guns kill children both accidentally and suicide.
Debunk #1- A family in JEOPARDY is a family who avoids the gun subject, kids get curious, kids play video games where nobody stays dead, and then they want to reenact their video game. That's an unsafe family!!!
Debunk #2- If a child or adult wants to commit suicide then they will do it with or without a gun. The parents who own the gun(s) should have their guns locked up in a gun safe with trigger locks. Unsafe storage of guns can be a problem, but the gun itself is not the problem.
Debunk #3- The problem is the child is having thoughts of suicide and this can be detoured with communication from the parents and involvement from the parents in the child's life in the first place.

Reason #6: Gun control will reduce violent crimes.
Debunk #1- Again, this statement is similar to Reason #1. So, my answer is the same as #1. The wrong people can get guns easier than I can right now. The current laws don't stop the bad guys. Why do they think a stupid law is going to stop them in the future?
Debunk #2- Extreme Christians and Catholics tried to abolish alcohol (Prohibition). It didn't work because too many people disagreed with the law. Also, people that actually supported Prohibition were against it very quickly. Something that can be made at home was hard to control as well as generally useless. What about something that people use for safety, hunting food, and sport? The gun is something the 2nd Amendment protects and extremist need to get off it!

Reason #7: even good people shouldn't own guns because they do more harm than good.
Debunk #1- This person has no right to judge me or anyone else. This is a sweeping statement that is based on someones opinion without any basis.
For the person with Reason #7, I want proof and a background of your opinion. Maybe statistics of Good people harming someone. Let me define a statistic for you again; a stat shows a trend over time.

Who is against Gun Control?
Me, NRA, all local/ state Hunting Associations, most Police Officers, Sportsman, Gun collectors, many non-profit wildlife clubs (because hunting keeps populations in check)

CRP, BioFuels, Environment

A friend of mine asked me "How do you feel about soybeans, corn, Bio Fuels, and CRP?" Obviously, my friend knows I am an environmental buff and a hunter/ fly fisher. He also asked me "How do you think we can preserve wildlife and have clean air?"
For more information on what CRP is visit this government website
To start with I always feel that the survival of man (not the almighty dollar) is more important than saving an endangered butterfly or a rare bug. In the same breath, the environment is what is essential to mans survival. I was also raised with a ranching mentality. My mentality is that "I own the land and I should be able to choose what I do with the land. I also want to do what is right for me and the future."
I am a very strong supporter of CRP. CRP reduces erosion, water pollution, increases wildlife habitat and survival, reimburses farmer and ranchers for their support, and our children's children will be able to see nature.
Without CRP, farmers and ranchers can plant or graze sensitive land. This sensitive land is home to wildlife, wetlands, and easily eroded land. As soon as the CRP funds are gone the ranchers and farmers have to make money on their land so they immediately start using the land. Most of the time the environment and its sensitivities are completely ignored. Money is to be made and nothing is going to stop them. Most farmers will fill the space with soybeans and corn. They will use chemicals and pesticides to protect their crops. At the same time they will be destroying ground water, air quality, and killing wildlife.
CRP is a wonderful solution for the environment. Bio Fuel is not a solution.
Scientists need to work on NOT using anything combustible or oil based. We need to look at water, sun, electricity, air, or a combination of these.
Solution is both easy and difficult. Work with nature, not against it.

Friday, August 8, 2008

About me

WOW! Where do I start?

I am a Scientologist and a Christian. I know. You are thinking "What?". If you want to know the truth about Scientology I am more than willing to send you a DVD. You can be both without conflict. email me with your address for the DVD.

My Point of View is...
- I believe that anyone who has the opportunity to do the right thing, should. Who cares what someone else would think. You see someone do something wrong or hurt someone, do something about it. Keep your integrity and ethics intact.
- I hear way to often about someone getting beat up and 20 people are just standing there watching.
- Or how about 9-11, shit those guys had box cutters. What if everyone, that physically could, attacked the hijackers. It was like 300+ to what 6. (I don't know the exact numbers) There never would have been a 9-11. We would still need to protect our borders, but things would be a lot different if a few people would have stood up.
- Don't lie. It makes you feel bad and hurts others.
- Take care of your possessions. Take care of yourself. The Bible puts it well, "Your body is a temple." Don't abuse it.
- Recycle. This is our planet and our future childrens planet. Let's keep the water clean, our landfills as empty as possible, our forests managed (logging is good, clear cut is bad), and our wilderness need to stay wild.
- I believe that as a society we are spoiled. We want to build, build, build, and destroy the environment around us.
- We have a lot of communities that are run down. Tear them down and build NEW in its place. We have run down homes that can be remodeled. We don't need all of these NEW subdivisions that are depleting our resources. You can build a NEW subdivision where there was an old one. People moved to small communities because they are small, but they build big and destroy the environment that they wanted in the first place. It's up to our local governments and people to not be PAID OFF by Builders/Developers to preserve their communities. Bend is a prime example of a small community turned little LA.
- I believe that everyone has the right to a religion. Nobody should be frowned upon, killed, or shunned because of what they believe. I may not believe the same thing as you, but I love you just the same. The bible says to not judge, it's God's job.
- However, any religion that supports killing or "Cleansing" should be frowned upon because it violates the Human Rights Laws.

- I believe that there should be a flat tax for everyone who makes over $40,000 a year. Doesn't matter if you have a Billion $$ or $40,000 you pay one set tax.
- Same with business owners (they are raped by the government). They should have one flat tax no matter how big or how small.
- Can you imagine not having keep receipts and other hassles? Or those of us who feel like we are punished for making a little more than last year and have to pay twice as much taxes for it.
- I don't believe that drugs and universal health care will solve the U.S. issues. I believe that getting rid of health insurance companies and adding huge tax benefits for "Health Saving Accounts" is the answer. Of course this will have to be gradual because of so many people that are dependent on the current system. On the other side, I do believe that Medicare should be reformed by making alternative health care more available because it costs less and is more effective.
- Drugs kill more people per day than 9-11. The NUMBER ONE cause of death in the U.S. is medical care. This is from the W.H.O. and the A.M.A. Get a clue people. 100,000+ people die a year just from aspirin. The FDA is drug based. They block natural cures from the market and do not allow the ones they do allow to say what they can cure. It is ILLEGAL for a natural supplement to claim that it can cure something, even if it has been proven scientifically.
- Drug commercials of EVERY type should be illegal. Only a licensed MD and Pharmacist(who both have had 8+ years and CE) should know what drugs to prescribe. the average high school graduate thinks they know as much as a Doctor when it comes to their health. WRONG!!! Drug companies are out to make a $$$$$ and do you really think that their investors care who buys the drugs? I care about people and want everyone to make educated decisions when it comes to their health. Try natural first (Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Acupuncture) it won't KILL you like trying drugs first.

- Abortion should be illegal unless...
- The mother is going to die without it, the mother is a victim of incest and/or rape, and there may be one other reason, but I know of millions of reasons why not to have an abortion. It's murder of an innocent child. It's not an oops I got pregnant solution or a form of birth control. I know that the second that the egg and sperm unite, the fetus (Greek for baby) has a soul and a memory. I do believe in reincarnation.
- It is the woman's choice to have sex therefore it is the woman's choice to be a parent or give the child up for adoption. It's called a condom or get fixed.
- There is also a "Morning After Pill" that prevents the egg from attaching to the lining of the womb.

- I am against the war lasting so long. I believe it is time to pullout. I support our troops and our country, however, we have been there too long. Peace is good.
- Let's spend the tax money on our deficit, our children, colleges, natural health care, and... You know what? Lets reduce our taxes so we can keep our hard earned money and keep our people at home.
- Our pledge of allegiance keeps "... under God" in it.
- Anyone who refuses to cover their heart and say the pledge of allegiance needs to move to CANADA, Mexico, or FRANCE -ie Barrack Hussein Obama. God save us all if he becomes President. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I am not exactly a fan of McCain, but I really, really don't like Obama. I like Ron Paul.
- I support kids getting a job and earning some of their own money. why should they have to wait until they are 15 to get a work permit? Working builds their self-esteem, their since of responsibility, and full fills their need to contribute. Kids want to buy their own stuff. Entitlement is a major issue with people today. It's because they never had to contribute, be responsible for a job, respect a superior (manager), and it's all because working is labeled as "abuse". Kids should be given chores as soon as they are old enough to ask to help. Kids naturally want to feel in exchange with those around them. Let them help. Be very clear that I don't support sweat shops and working kids till they collapse. Working a few hours a day and/or week is enough to not interfere with school and sports.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Cut and paste the link to the video
Please!!! I beg those of you who feel they don't want to hear a motivational speaker, listen anyway. I get where you are coming from. I have been there and will never go back. READ ON...
The first time I heard him, other than an infomercial, was about 4 years ago. He annoyed me because what he was saying, I knew deep down, was true for me and I didn't want to hear it. So, I listened to him over and over and over again. FINALLY, I heard him without resistance. It took me about a year to get over my issues enough to follow what he was saying. Now, I really enjoy listening to Tony Robbins.
What I did was took notes and I am going to follow what I am ready to do right now.
Why do I do what I do? Emotion
What is it that shapes me? My decisions
What’s my target? My needs
- Certainty (Total)
- Uncertainty/ Variety
- Personal Significance/ My Importance
- Connection and Love
- Growth
- Contribution beyond myself
Strangers DO care about me.
I am going to do something that makes a difference.
- Help those in need help themselves
- Do everything I can to save the environment, while keeping humans in mind first
My map includes:
- Needs
- Emotions
- Time
When I am going to make my dominant emotions happy, loving, and excited?
When I am I going to start to live? (Now or when I am about to die?)
- Give my all everyday
I need to explore my needs and wants.
I need to explore other people’s needs and wants.
Anyone who wants can copy down my notes and follow through on them if they choose.
Thank you for reading.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello! New stuff!!

I love my life! Not everyone can say that, but I can. I have an awesome boyfriend, incredible son, working on the career of my dreams, roof over my head, reliable car, freedom, great family and friends, and so much more.

sassysissie's itemsGo to sassysissie's photostream

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Super Size Me

Great Movie!!! I recommend anyone with a mouth and stomach watch it.