Sunday, February 1, 2009

CRP, BioFuels, Environment

A friend of mine asked me "How do you feel about soybeans, corn, Bio Fuels, and CRP?" Obviously, my friend knows I am an environmental buff and a hunter/ fly fisher. He also asked me "How do you think we can preserve wildlife and have clean air?"
For more information on what CRP is visit this government website
To start with I always feel that the survival of man (not the almighty dollar) is more important than saving an endangered butterfly or a rare bug. In the same breath, the environment is what is essential to mans survival. I was also raised with a ranching mentality. My mentality is that "I own the land and I should be able to choose what I do with the land. I also want to do what is right for me and the future."
I am a very strong supporter of CRP. CRP reduces erosion, water pollution, increases wildlife habitat and survival, reimburses farmer and ranchers for their support, and our children's children will be able to see nature.
Without CRP, farmers and ranchers can plant or graze sensitive land. This sensitive land is home to wildlife, wetlands, and easily eroded land. As soon as the CRP funds are gone the ranchers and farmers have to make money on their land so they immediately start using the land. Most of the time the environment and its sensitivities are completely ignored. Money is to be made and nothing is going to stop them. Most farmers will fill the space with soybeans and corn. They will use chemicals and pesticides to protect their crops. At the same time they will be destroying ground water, air quality, and killing wildlife.
CRP is a wonderful solution for the environment. Bio Fuel is not a solution.
Scientists need to work on NOT using anything combustible or oil based. We need to look at water, sun, electricity, air, or a combination of these.
Solution is both easy and difficult. Work with nature, not against it.

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