Monday, August 4, 2008


Cut and paste the link to the video
Please!!! I beg those of you who feel they don't want to hear a motivational speaker, listen anyway. I get where you are coming from. I have been there and will never go back. READ ON...
The first time I heard him, other than an infomercial, was about 4 years ago. He annoyed me because what he was saying, I knew deep down, was true for me and I didn't want to hear it. So, I listened to him over and over and over again. FINALLY, I heard him without resistance. It took me about a year to get over my issues enough to follow what he was saying. Now, I really enjoy listening to Tony Robbins.
What I did was took notes and I am going to follow what I am ready to do right now.
Why do I do what I do? Emotion
What is it that shapes me? My decisions
What’s my target? My needs
- Certainty (Total)
- Uncertainty/ Variety
- Personal Significance/ My Importance
- Connection and Love
- Growth
- Contribution beyond myself
Strangers DO care about me.
I am going to do something that makes a difference.
- Help those in need help themselves
- Do everything I can to save the environment, while keeping humans in mind first
My map includes:
- Needs
- Emotions
- Time
When I am going to make my dominant emotions happy, loving, and excited?
When I am I going to start to live? (Now or when I am about to die?)
- Give my all everyday
I need to explore my needs and wants.
I need to explore other people’s needs and wants.
Anyone who wants can copy down my notes and follow through on them if they choose.
Thank you for reading.

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